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8 million €, Zagreb, Apartment 440m2, sale😂

Today I couldn’t help but laugh at the amusing combination of an unknown trio involved in this situation – seller, broker and buyer. Did you also come across the news that a 440 m2 apartment is being sold in Zagreb for a dizzying 8 million euros? Yes, you read that right – 8 million euros for an apartment in Zagreb!

When you sell an apartment in Venice for 8 million euros, you are essentially selling more than the living space itself. You are selling a piece of history, a piece of a charming sinking city that has a unique appeal.

Similarly, when an apartment in Monaco sells for the same high price, it symbolizes more than just a real estate transaction. It represents the opportunity of a lifetime to reside in a renowned tax haven, offering an unrivaled lifestyle.

However, when a 440m2 apartment in Zagreb is sold for an incredible 8 million euros, one wonders. What exactly is being sold here? It seems like a rather exorbitant price for a property in the capital of Croatia, almost as if the Croatian fog is being sold to a less discerning buyer. Zagreb is the capital of Croatia, but we are not a tax haven, we do not have any of the wonders of the world, we do not have the most favorable climate, we are not an economic power and we have the highest VAT in the region.

Still, despite my skepticism, I extend my congratulations to all parties involved. Congratulations to the seller who managed to find a brokerage willing to list the apartment at such an incredible price. And, of course, congratulations to the not-so-intelligent buyer who might decide to pay that astronomical amount.

Let’s not forget to congratulate the intermediary agency. They supported the seller’s decision to offer the apartment for 8 million euros, and although they will not find a buyer for that price, they deserve congratulations.

As for the buyer, if he really starts buying an apartment in Zagreb for 8 million euros, I can only assume that he has a unique form of reduced intelligence.

It is fascinating to observe the pleasure each party takes in this situation. The seller is satisfied with the existence of such an agency, such a potential buyer and thinks ‘if it goes, it goes’. The intermediary agency enjoys the prospect of a significant commission, even though they know they will never realize it. And as for the buyer, what can really make a potential buyer happy? He can be happy with the idea of remaining “only a potential buyer” with 8 million euros in his account.

Best Regards,

Mirjana Mikulic

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